What I believe, what I know, what simply is true is that our bodies crave a perfect physique and it’s simply our lifestyle that gets in the way. I’ve spent years struggling to figure out how to eat in harmony with my body’s perfect physique and the truth is that all of our answers lie within our ancestral DNA. We simply need to look to our primal genetics for the truth. And that’s what I’ve done. And I combined them into 8 Primal Forces that are responsible for weight loss and I’m going to share them at this conference. Those 8 Primal Forces are:
And I will show how our modern environment is creating a state of disease and that the secret to escape modern disease is through your Primal DNA. You will learn the dangerous effects of our modern technology-driven lifestyles and how they are impacting your health. And how you can apply simple changes in your life that can work with nature’s cycles aligning you with your Primal DNA and the 8 Primal Forces.