
Lose up to 20 pounds in 6 weeks or less

Modern Human Weight Loss

It’s not the calories. Or the lack of exercise. It’s your modern lifestyle clashing with your primal DNA.

I want to share the secrets of true weight loss with women everywhere, the secrets of our ancestral DNA that can transform our bodies from a ‘Modern Bod’ into something more innate, more natural, more real… more primal. And that’s why I call it the Primal Bod.

the masterclass

Modern Bod to Primal Bod

I reveal the 3-step system I use to help women lose up to twenty pounds of stubborn fat in six weeks or less…and keep it off FOR LIFE.

about weight loss

I lost eight pounds in four weeks after I made a handful of changes to my lifestyle and it dramatically impacted my hormones. I felt stronger, sexier, and when I looked at the mirror I thought to myself ‘damnnnn, every woman needs to know about this’.. Slowly, I started sharing what I learned with my clients and watched them achieve the same results. And over the course of a two years, I put all the pieces of the fat burning puzzle together, making results quicker and incredibly sustainable. 

Real Testimonials of Real Results


For over a decade, I’ve dedicated my life to helping thousands of women deal with different health challenges. But, the one I heard about the most was weight — something I couldn’t figure out myself for years. I tried every popular diet and fitness routine, from Keto, Carnivore, and South Beach to HIIT and CrossFit. No matter how hard I worked, I couldn’t lose that annoying layer of fat.

But in 2021, one serendipitous moment changed everything and it shattered all my previous beliefs about weight loss.

Ignite, Burn, Incinerate

Become a fat burning machine

My women follow a simple, three-step process, the Primal Bod System, to transform your body in 6 weeks or less. Average weight loss is 17 pounds in 6 weeks and 29 pounds in 12 weeks.

We start by igniting your metabolic fire using Lipolysis. In step two, we train your body to consume its own fat for fuel – this isn’t a gimmick, it’s a freaking promise. Finally, we build your metabolic inertia so you continuously incinerate the fat from your stomach, butt, and thighs.

pounds lost in primal program

We've helped over 3,500 women lose lots of weight

my private coaching program includes:

Everything you need, nothing you don't.

Full / $1,500 USD

Buy Now

Our full membership includes 12 weeks of the Primal Path videos, weekly group coaching calls, recorded and available for on demand viewing and access to our private Facebook community. 

All my girls get results, but this is the first-class ticket.

mockup primal path

My Primal Path platform is the complete instruction manual for your dream body. Just follow the steps.

mockup private fb group

My private FB group for Primal Bod Members is your best spot to ask questions and get quick feedback.

mockup weekly coaching calls
coaching  calls

Get direct feedback from me and learn from the stories of other members.

mockup primal archive
Primal  Archive

My Primal Archive library has over 500+ hours of recorded coaching calls to watch on demand

Basic / $1,000 USD

Buy Now

Gain 12-week access to our Primal Path videos, a weekly instruction manual where you learn how your body became Modern and the exact steps needed to make it Primal, as well as access to our recorded coaching Zoom archive.

The only hidden fee is that you’re gonna need new skinny jeans.

mockup primal path

My Primal Path platform is the complete instruction manual for your dream body. Just follow the steps.

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My private FB group for Primal Bod Members is your best spot to ask questions and get quick feedback.

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coaching  calls

Get direct feedback from me and learn from the stories of other members.

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Primal  Archive

My Primal Archive library has over 500+ hours of recorded coaching calls to watch on demand

Learn More

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About Primal Bod

How We're Different

You’re here because nothing else is working. The internet ‘influencers’ and corporate weight loss programs have your head spinning because NO ONE is able to parse through the bullsh*t to share the truth. I was right there with you. Frustrated, head spinning, desperate for answers, and not ready to give up on my dream bod. Then, I cracked the code to natural weight loss – and just like you, I refused to believe the results myself (at first).

It’s the drive to find a sustainable, long-term solution, not just a hyphenate bandaid, that makes me different from the rest.