About Candi | Primal Bod
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Candi Frazier

At my very core, what I believe, what I know, what is true is that our bodies crave a perfect physique and it's simply our lifestyle that gets in the way.


And even as a nutritionist, I've spent years struggling to figure out how to eat in harmony with my body's perfect physique. I was constantly in search of the truth.


Is it exercise, is it the food, is it my hormones? What I found out is that It's something much deeper and more powerful than anyone could know...

I started dieting when I was in my teens. I went through puberty and I immediately struggled with cellulite (which was 'coincidentally' right when I started taking birth control...).  




...and this is a big but. I could exercise and restrict calories and I could lose the weight I gained..  


So I mostly ignored the issue because I had the 'tricks' to get back my physique.

Young Candi Frazier
Young Candi Frazier

AND THEN... I turned 30 and everything seemed to change almost overnight. My 'tricks' weren't working any more. I couldn't shed the layer of stubborn fat that suddenly took hold.


And I tried everything... Crossfit, HIIT workouts, every diet, veganism... and the list goes on. Nothing worked left me feeling worst than when I started.


My rock bottom moment (in 2020) was shortly after I met my husband who is seven years younger than me and was pretty fit.


We met a few years before and I was determined to look young and thin, but was coming up short of my goals despite my seemingly healthy diet. (After all, I am a nutritionist I was eating "healthier" than any person ever could.)


You can see in the picture below that in 2021, I had a flabby pouch and cellulite on my legs. Sure, I looked good by average standards, but I didn't want to be average, I wanted to look amazing.  

Candi Frazier Primal Bod Transformation

And shortly after my 'Modern Bod' picture was taken, I figured it out. I cracked the code. I finally solved the problem of my stubborn fat.


And this wasn't a 'trick', this was, and is, THE solution that works for life. I think my picture from 2023 is solid proof of that.


And I call that solution the Primal Bod System. It is the permanent solution to stubborn fat, enabling your dream physique, just like it enabled mine.


You may be asking yourself why this works when so many other things fail...


It's because we live in a modern world with primal, ancestral DNA.


And when we honor our ancestral DNA we unlock our greatest vitality, which is the only way to get our dream physique and keep it for good!


And that's what women come to me for... to learn the secrets I've uncovered about getting their primal bodies...


Because the truth is we can live in the modern world, enjoy our modern luxuries, and change very specific lifestyle factors that I reveal to my members (i.e. the low-hanging fruit) and let our Primal Bods naturally take shape.  

Candi Frazier

I am Board-Certified in Holistic Nutrition ("BCHN") and have been practicing as a Certified Functional Nutrition Therapy Practitioner ("FNTP") for over 6 years. I believe in supporting your wellbeing, happiness, and longevity through intention - intentionally eating in alignment with your body. In 2020, I opened my brick and mortar natural health center named The Family Holistic. We service over 500 active clients and have conducted over 7,000 unique visits.   

The Family Holistic Mockup

Before I was started my nutrition practice, I traveled the country teaching hundreds of medical doctors, chiropractors, and other healthcare professionals about the power of nutrition and supplementation.  Most healthcare professionals receive very little formal nutrition training from their university education and I helped fill the gap of knowledge in areas including digestion, sugar-handling, fatty acids, toxicity and immune challenges, and many others.


And while I've made my career natural health, I have always been consolidating my knowledge into a tool that I wish I would have had much younger - the tool that I call the Primal Bod System.  The tool that has helped me and hundreds of women just like me finally take control of our bodies for good!

Candi Frazier Family

I live in a northern suburb of Madison, WI with my husband, Tom, who I married in 2021.  Tom helps me run the Primal Bod with his background in finance and marketing.  We have five children from separate marriages: Shawn, Lane, Robert, Grafton, and Sloan.  We spend a lot of time together and you can usually find us on our boat, out in the backyard playing badminton, or on the ski hill - when we're not working that is!

I finally 'cracked the code' to the Primal Bod in a serendipitous moment in 2021 and it was because of my husband Tom.  Tom has been Type 1 Diabetic since he was 15.  We finally had enough of the yo-yo'ing of his bloodsugar and we made a pact that we'd dramatically alter his diet to lower the amount of insulin he needed in combination with optimizing his circadian rhythm to reset his hormones.  


It worked and it was the final piece I was missing in my search for the secret to a permanent dream physique.  I think the picture below tells the story quite well.  And if you think we slaved away in the gym, we didn't.  Before 2021, Tom was an avid Crossfitter and struggled putting on muscle and leaning out.  After we made our changes and aligned with our Primal Bod, his muscles just... grew.  And his body fat percentage just... shrank.  He worked out less than ever and has a better physique than ever!


And it's pretty obvious why.  He uses dramatically less insulin, consumes an adequate amount of protein, and knows our secrets to getting a Primal Bod.

Tom Frazier Primal Bod Transformation
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Helping women ignite a fiery metabolism for life.

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©2023 by Primal Bod.

Primal Bod is a lifestyle program offering online education on nutrition and other topics.  Employees of the company are prohibited from providing medical advice; any communication with Primal Bod and its employees should not be construed as a claim or representation that any product or procedure either sold, conducted, or mentioned by Primal Bod constitutes a specific cure, treatment, diagnosis, or prescription, palliative or ameliorative, for any condition. All medical-related questions should be directed towards your medical doctor.

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